Plant trees while you track shipments.

We use our profits to plant trees. Our goal is to plant 50,000,000 trees annually. This would compensate for all CO2 emissions caused by parcel transport worldwide. Get the free Parcello app to plant trees with every shipment number.

How does it work?


Track Shipments

You enter your tracking number on or in the app.


Generate Revenue

Ads, partners and stores that use us generate revenue for Parcello.


Plant trees with it!

Parcello uses this revenue to plant trees and bind CO2.

The Parcello Crowd has already planted 10937 trees together!

950 more packages
until the next tree.

Users from the following countries have made the most trees possible!


10338 Trees


279 Trees

United States of America

197 Trees


34 Trees


15 Trees


8 Trees


7 Trees


5 Trees


5 Trees

United Kingdom

4 Trees

Plant for the Planet
plants our trees

We plant all trees in partnership with Plant for the Planet. The planting area is located on the Yucatan Peninsula in the Gulf of Mexico.

Transparent donation receipts

Always at the end of the year we publish our latest donation report and review.

Our goal: Global CO2 positive logistics

Innovation should always be used to do good in the world.
Our goal: to offset every single gram of CO2 produced during the transport of packages by 2030! This is equivalent to 50,000,000 trees per year! Let's do it together!